Dear Carpenters,
I never new you had it in you. "Calling occupants of inner-dysentery crap" is by far your finest work. I knew Jeff Lynn was sleeping on your couch during this period but I didn't realize he'd have this kind of effect!
... and boy doesn't Thurston make you want to hold a microphone with 2 fingers. I love this version.
2 komente:
thanks for the props, brother testface. the film was great last night, and yes, please jump the pond and pay a visit. my program is a studio program, so there is mos def some room for travel, and visits from friends as i will not be attending any classes...
And well, actually the song was written by Canadian pop band Klaatu. You'd like them. I'm sure of it.
p.s. A mighty, mighty fine time was had last eve at Sam Bonds with Testface rocking fine. I really loved the show.
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