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here!OK ... Just coming back to earth from 3 days of insanity up at MusicFest NorthWest. Playing in Tractor Operator for the Jealous Butcher Showcase afforded me an all access bracelet into any and all shows. Highlights in timeline form are as follows:
6:30 pm - arrive for band prac at che trac
9:30 - head out to crystal to catch the end of Calvin Johnson and then M Ward play an amazing set. Chat with Adam and Rachel briefly at lola's before hand who are in his band. M. does some full band/some solo. sound is actually good as it's usually horrible in that monster space.
11 - head to Berbati's Pan and catch Pseudo Six. great set with backup singers and beautiful wurlitzer sounds. very impressive.
12 - cross the river to dougfir to see what may be the most amazing show I have seen in quite some time. Band is called Red Fang and they are from Portland actually. Holy christ. All the speed and meat of motorhead with the turn on a dime changes of pass out kings with a little high on fire thrown in there. Plus they were playing through stacks of sun beta heads that made your lungs collapse. Religious I tell you. I don't know man. It's scary how much I like this band.
1 am - then catch the big reunion of Steel Pole Bathtub. They did a great job although my soul was still tainted by red fang. I think this was SPBT's first show since like '01?
3 am - pillage the food store with Jensen in search of something meaty to calm our ferocious apatite
4 am - make amazing mini steak and cheese sandwiches with bookers 126 proof bourbon and pop in There will be blood. we make it through about 15 minutes of movie
11 am - meet up with Rob smith and head to Biways Cafe for stumptown coffee and (I can't even say this without laughing) ... order a steak and cheese.
12 noon - Head with Rob to a gallery space and check out the installation he's a part of.
2 pm - head to Mississippi records and pick up some King Tubby, Free Design, Black mountain, Eno, etc.
3pm - lowbrow lounge with a crew and have a Guinness.
5pm - meet at someday lounge for sound check.
6:30 - secret party in loft space with Weinland and Nick Jaina playing. Great Hummus!
8 pm - we hit the stage and play a really good set with except for some minor equipment malfunctions) goes off swellingly. My finger still really hurts to play certain chords, but work through the set with no major issues. My fender amp sounded extra growly and I have it some dog biscuits afterward for good behavior. I buy the band a round of Tequila.
9 pm - stay for Valient Arms set with rocks my socks off. Eric's drumming is heavier than ever and I fully expect his drums to collapse at any time. Steal a couple beers from the green room and give one to dave clark.
10 pm - head up burnside for a delux cocktail party at Pete and Jenifer's (The Fast Computers). She makes me this crazy Elderberry drink and feeds me more bourbon. At this point I'm not sure where I'm supposed to be next and Jensen calls me up to inform me that I'll be picked up on the curb. Jen see's me out and offers the door guy some vodka (he smiles and politely declines)
12 am - Head back over river with Rob Jones and crew to Holocene and catch this awesome band "Throw Me The Statue". I've been waiting to see them ever since MC Homemade turned me on to them a couple months back. Buy their disk Moonbeams ... like now. Al buys us a round of Basil Haydens.
1am - our ride is gone so eric, aljon and I run (every other block) back over the river to NW portland from SE portland. Arrive just as Wow and Flutter are finishing. Stiff Wiff hit the stage and this band is so damn fun. It's basically a proggy deep space wank-fest for PDX music celebs to rock out. there's like 3 drummers and 5 guitars and I can't count the rest. The club is packed. will post video soon. Back to green room and then load equipment into the truck.
4 am - make a trader joes oven pizza. finish the bookers 126 proof bourbon with eric and pop in There will be blood. we make it through another 15 minutes of movie.
its 10 am and I'm hitting the road to play a gig tonight at Wandering Goat with Dan Jones opening for Karl Blau. Really excited about this.
must haves coffees.
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